a new treatment…

This is a new treatment I am test driving this winter. Several years ago I began to have this sore inside my nose that would bleed quite a bit when disturbed. After that first winter it subsided somewhat when warm weather came so I didn’t give it much thought. Then when the next cold weather season came there it was again in full force. I was a little concerned but it never seemed to get any worse or cause too much of a problem, and once again when warm weather came it calmed down at least a bit. But when this winter came and there it still was I decided it was time to really look into it.

It appears to be like a small ulcer that won’t completely heal up, and whenever it is disturbed it bleeds quite a bit. I got to thinking about remedies that I use for other things, like our very effective healing plantain preparations. And sure enough, under things plantain can help heal are ulcerated type lesion sores. I also knew that frankincense essential oil is a remedy for anything ulcer related. So I got out a small vial/bottle, filled it most of the way with our infused plantain oil from this past year, using the plantain oil as a carrier oil for the frankincense, then drizzled in a dose of frankincense oil.

I started carrying it around with me and using my pinky to dab a drop of this combo onto the small ulcer whenever I thought about it. I tell you this with all sincerity without any exaggeration; I could feel a difference by the very next day. Now this thing has been there for three years so I don’t expect it to be gone in a day, but I think it’s going to do the trick to heal this thing up once and for all. I’ll give an update in the future after I’ve kept up with the treatment for awhile.

I also remembered my daughter in law telling me about frankincense being good for skin tags, warts, moles, etc., so I decided to dab some of this oil on a mole that I have on my head and that gets irritated and scabby sometimes. (Don’t anybody panic! It’s been there my whole life and been doing that my whole life! It seems to get bad at bad eating phases like holidays.) So I started rubbing a drop on that as well and within about 48 hours it had calmed right down and flattened back to normal.

So, we’ll see how it goes, but it sounds like a good concoction!

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